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A Faculty Transitional Journey from Single Mode to HyFlex Teaching - Hybrid-Flexible Course Design - Simplified video conferencing and messaging across any device 

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The ITEC program had been using Sfsu download zoom courses to serve both classroom and online students sinceand many courses and faculty taught this way, though not all. One of the many things that came flying at me in my first semester as a tenure track faculty was the description of the HyFlex modality, which I thought was both unique and demanding.

Faculty are provided the freedom to choose course modality, in consulation with the department and college, though many ITEC courses were expected by students, based downlload recent history, to follow a HyFlex approach.

HyFlex was unique to me because I needed to plan on running three parallel modalities in one single course, i. The reason I called using HyFlex approach demanding is because each modality required designing instructional materials that would fulfill the need of students selecting that modality, and could possibly be reused by students in any modality.

But if I was using paper-based handouts, I had to digitize them to make them available for the online students. Also, software walkthroughs are challenging to manage between two modalities; especially using a hands-on approach, where students are practicing in front of you and you can provide real time feedback.

It is difficult to observe online students practicing on their own machine as well troubleshoot if they run into any issue. Further, it is more demanding for students attending asynchronously because not only would I upload pre-recorded multimedia but also redesign activities and formulate instructions in a way that students can submit their work as an evidence of class activity completion.

Therefore, a single session could require twice and sometimes even more preparation time than class offered sfsu download zoom a single modality. A class projector mirrors the desktop sfsu download zoom to the students in the classroom and at sfus same time a web conferencing platform relays the same to the online students.

Due to limited classroom technology available in the earlier years of my adoption, the online students could only see the class and me from a particular angle, which sfxu through the built-in camera of the computer monitor. The online students often reported a sense of exclusion due to this limited view of the class. Recently, SF State invested significant resources upscaling the technology to create Hi-Tech spaces sfsu download zoom are more conducive to implementing a HyFlex approach.

Sfsu download zoom active learning spaces are designed to allow collaborative work between students aided by large SMART TV monitors and movable white boards. Upgraded audio with a superior quality sound system resolved the audio transmission как сообщается здесь between F2F class students and those attending synchronously online zooming in.

Overall, the complete technology overhaul supports educators offering both synchronous modalities seamlessly, without having to waste significant class time troubleshooting sfsu download zoom. The students thoroughly enjoy the flexibility of selecting a modality for a class session.

In the HyFlex setup I use, a student can select a combination of modalities to attend the fifteen week long course. Students rarely used the asynchronous modality, preferring the immediacy and interactive characteristics of synchronous participation. In my version of HyFlex, I do set a limit of maximum three asynchronous sessions per course.

My rationale to impose this limit was mainly to implement quality control measures. I wanted to discourage students from using asynchronous modality as purely a convenience, but encourage them to see their three asynchronous sessions as a luxury to be used sparingly when they had an unavoidable schedule conflict. Although these learning platforms present an ever-persistent means of content deployment, there is always added value in synchronous environments that assimilate the content and support immediate student-to-student and faculty-to-student interaction for engagement and deep learning.

I prefer to require this type of learning environment as much as possible to support better student learning. I have noticed one primary benefit and I offer two important cautions for those considering a HyFlex approach in their sfsu download zoom. Zokm an effective audio system into a classroom is a huge endeavor, involving buy-in at all sfsu download zoom from the program level up to the university level.

Moreover, AV systems involve IT support sfsu download zoom downlpad issues within minutes, not days. Not all classroom IT support units can be that responsive. As a faculty, I try to reach the physical classroom at least 30 minutes sfsu download zoom the class start time to ensure the technology is fully operational. In spite of doing that, I would sometimes still run into issues because another faculty who had used the classroom before me may have altered the system settings or the classroom IT sfsu download zoom may have changed the technology configuration in some sfsu download zoom which impacted the previous regular procedures.

All in all, keeping up with the technology is extremely sfsu download zoom consuming and sometimes unfortunately wastes some instructional time. As I understand adoption, during the first round of HyFlex implementation in downnload program there is possibly more excitement about the new opportunities available for students and even faculty. Sfsu download zoom, during the post initiation stage, technology upgrades that may sfsu download zoom necessary can be an unwelcome budget request when considered among the many other competing department, college and university priorities.

In my opinion, adopting HyFlex should be looked as as a long-term commitment and not zooom quick fix for a student attendance problem. A systematic and systemic readiness check is a must to avoid student and faculty frustration and a consequential abandoning of the approach due to lack support on various fronts.

In promoting the use of HyFlex, supporting the faculty in the following ways may lead to its increased adoption.

In my six years of teaching using HyFlex regularly in the earlier years and then moving to more occasional use over timeI realized that if the Learning Management System LMS were built to integrate the approach naturally with additional capabilities designed to support multiple modes of participation, there might be faster adoption. For example, LMS systems or support sfsu download zoom could provide suggestions to convert a face-to-face activity into asynchronous class activity with built-in context-sensitive help.

Perhaps, with recent development advancing the sfsu download zoom of learning analytics this can be possible to a greater extent. Teaching with technology poses challenges with regards to the faculty skillset. There are many skills that become imperative if you do not wish to disrupt the class on a regular basis: knowledge of classroom hardware, operating system and presentation software, and media content development, such as videos and other authoring software development platform.

Before teaching a HyFlex class, the faculty should be well prepared to meet not only the challenges of teaching both in the classroom sfsu download zoom dwnload, but also in using the provided technology to instruct effectively.

King, W. A meta-analysis of the technology acceptance model. Kirschner, P. Why minimal guidance during instruction does not work: An analysis of the failure of constructivist, discovery, problem-based, experiential, and inquiry-based teaching. Educational Psychologist, 41 2 She received her Ph. Before joining SF State, she was the project manager and postdoctoral research associate of an NSF project studying the effects of using 3-D virtual reality technologies in training mathematics educators.

She also won the Certificate of Merit Award for a game she developed for sfsu download zoom посетить страницу nursing education. Hybrid-Fle xible Course Design Cover Unit I.

Unit II. Implementat ion and Adoption of Hybrid-Fle xible Instruction Unit III. Hybrid-Fle xible Implementations Around t he World Appendices Loading Mobile PDF Optimized for tablets 5. Embed Code QR Code. Simple Downloads Share Search. Unit I. Beginnings 1. Implementation and Adoption of Hybrid-Flexible Instruction 2.

Sfwu a Hybrid-Flexible Course 2. Learning in a Hybrid-Flexible Course 2. Supporting Hybrid-Flexible Courses and Programs 2. Hybrid-Flexible Implementations Around the World 3.

Fitting Flexibility Across the Curriculum 3. One Size Fits None 3. HyFlex in Northern Ontario 3. A Modified Version of HyFlex 3. Index Appendix Sfsu download zoom.

Author Affiliations Appendix D. Zahira Merchant. Why was HyFlex unique to me? Why is HyFlex demanding? Ability to sometimes being in downloav comfort zoo their homes and attend the class. Avoid missing classes due sfsu download zoom schedule conflicts by using the asynchronous attendance option. Benefits and Cautions I have noticed one primary benefit and I offer two important cautions for those considering a HyFlex approach in their courses. Self-disciplined downlaod control — In the first few weeks of the class, I present the HyFlex structure of the class.

Moreover, I also downlload the rationale for adopting the HyFlex approach as primarily zooj increase access and not convenience at the cost of losing the in-class interaction. Therefore, students should practice extreme self-discipline in selecting the modality.

Extraneous Cognitive Load — Although I have читать полностью conducted a cognitive load experimental study in relation to using a HyFlex approach, over the years students often expressed how browsing through the weekly modality activity option is a time-consuming endeavor.

LMS integration In my six years of teaching using HyFlex regularly in the earlier years and then moving to more occasional use over timeI realized that if the Learning Management System LMS were узнать больше to integrate the approach naturally with additional capabilities designed to support multiple modes svsu participation, there might be faster adoption. Faculty skill set in media development Teaching with sfsu download zoom poses challenges with regards to the faculty skillset.

References King, W. Suggested Citation Merchant, Z. EdTech Books. Like this? Endorse it!


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